Aatrox at 2 items that flank teleports to dragon/baron fight and proceeds to 1v5.
Vayne is useless until 3-4items
Base stats and item stats are a thing. ADCs get funneled gold at all points of the game because their base stats, ability scaling, and stats/lvl are trash. Darius gets twice-thrice more stats per lvl than any ADC, PLUS gets to be 3+ levels higher than the botlaner at every point in the game.
It really surrises you that the class that gets funneled gold has more gold?
Buffing split pushing without preemptively nerfing Hullbreaker is certainly of on the decisions of all time.
It blows my mind how the “top has no impact” meme is still there, when the average toplaner is always 4+ levels over jungle/botlane and become a raidboss at 1-2 items. Half my games are lost because the enemy toplaner gets fed out of his mind and mindlessly wins by split pushing through statcheck/hullbreaker
spotted the Zoomer. AH reduces skill checks