I can’t seem to raise my behavior score even when I support every single game in turbo, don’t say a single word, and use all of my other PMA tricks that normally worked for raising it. (I don’t need self righteous preaching)

It just feels like everyone down here in 5-6K behavior score is just reporting everyone, even some enemies out of spite because they have unlimited reports now. My behavior score keeps going up by a measly 100 or down 200-300 every 15 games, how am I suppose to get back to 10K?

Back then it was fine because you knew toxic players most likely didn’t have reports to give, but now its just madness. (people are more trigger happy with reports down here)

Match count: 15 Reported matches: 10 Reports: 26 Reporting parties: 16 Communication reports: 6 (THIS shouldn’t be possible considering the game has me AUTOMUTED now that im below 6000 for the first time. (Ive been low behavior score before, but now THIS low, no ones claiming to be a 12k angel) But these numbers are insane.

  • mumu6669B
    10 months ago

    It’s somehow not right… 3 weeks ago I had 12k/12k (never had low behavior in the past), rn my communication keeps going down even if I don’t flame or type in general… currently at 12k and 6.5k… never received a low prio or mute or any sort of punishment so it feels like even getting a few unrevised reports not going through overwatch lowers your communication score heavily (currently is going down by 100-200-300 per summary)… this would work on the premise that valve is assuming every report is used when someone actually does wrong stuff but people with free unlimited reports are just spamming them whenever something they don’t like happen.

    Even my queue times are like normal and I don’t find people that are flaming or griefing, everything feels like normal so idk what’s the drill

    My theory is that whoever is reporting me clicks all the boxes, and since I’m not griefing when people review the eventual overwatch case they always click “not guilty” so I’m not losing behaviour score or getting any punishment, but since communication reports can’t be verified and are not going through overwatch every report is counted as valid.

    • IAmTheJediOutcastOPB
      10 months ago

      Then you don’t really understand the topic very much then. A large percentage of people play Turbo just to raise behavior score so they can go back to ranked. Thanks for you valuable input.

      • OtherPlayersB
        10 months ago

        I think the other poster is being kind of aggressive about it, but I will note that at low BS if you’re only playing turbo to try to raise your score you’re kind of putting yourself into a pool with tons of toxic people trying to do the exact same thing.

        Normal games are a slower climb, but since the unlimited report change they’re a much more reliable climb than turbo if you have the time.

  • FairPlayAndRespectB
    10 months ago

    We all deal with the same problems once you drop from 12k behavior score. I had porblems with the pak001 file that crashed once in a while and I got abbandons droping me below 11k conduct. From 11k it already can start droping since people are so toxic and mad when they lose (enemy and team mates). I wish people at 12k would start spamming reports to see if they would run into same problems being reported for no reason. The behaviro system was never so corrupt and bad like this one. During the years I have seen every behavior system patch and I can confirm that this patch is the worst we ever had in dota2. The previous patch was fine to limit amount of reports to 5-6 per week AND give people that play a lot of matches a few more reports based on their ammount of matches per week. There are so mayn idea and solution for this problem but Valve does not care because they do not have enough DEVs working on DotA2 anymore.