Poppy bothers me a lot, considering that she can deny any dash, it bothers me a lot, in addition to the fact that she can slam you against the wall or send you very far with her ult.
Zyra. Everything in this characters makes me tilt, even seing her in the champion select already makes me mad, the way she walks, her autoattack animation, i just absolutely despise Zyra whole existence in a personal level. She’s the only character i would absolutely delete from the game.
Senna instantly triggers me
a good Talon can stomp you at every phase of the game, he will out scale you mid game and will still be a huge threat late game
Malzahar, having such a braindead anti engage tool makes the game so boring imo. Not to mention, his laning faze is also braindead, overall very unfun champion to play against not because he is strong, but because his entire kit revolves around being the most boring and unfun champion in the game.