First off, does anyone have the stats on turnovers per year for the Vikings? It feels like we might be heading to a record breaking season for turnovers (not counting fumbles recovered by our own team).

Second, our defense is playing really well and I would have loved to see what last season would have looked like with this defense and defensive play calling. It could have been a really good run.

Third, KOC can’t work plays when he has nothing to work with. What are people expecting him to do when we have a less than mediocre run option and a QB who is dropping the ball right into the other teams hands, over and over again?

Can you tell me what play you would be calling when your QB can’t be trusted and your team can’t run the ball effectively. What options do you really have left as an offensive play caller?

Fourth, did you actually want to walk away with a win yesterday? We deserved to lose that game. That is one of the worst Vikings games I have seen in my adult life. Even if we would have won, it would feel like a loss.

Dobbs was good when other teams weren’t expecting him. We were a zero-run QB team and they didn’t design their game scheme for a mobile QB.

Now they have and Dobbs advantage is gone. It’s as simple as that.

KOC is fine, defense is fine, it’s good that we understand our QB situation now vs rolling into next year and having it blow up in our face. Now, at least we can see things for what they are.

Regardless, this season is still a lot better than we were expecting at week 5. Teams that turn the ball over 3-4 times a game, lose 90%+. You can’t win like that, very few teams can.

I love y’all but you got to get your heads on straight. Don’t sound like that guy calling into KFAN who thinks they know football because their wife tells them they know more about football than anyone they know…because they only know one person that likes football, you.

I can promise the coaching staff is smarter and more aware than 95% of us posting on this sub (and I am not one of the 5%, to be clear).

  • XxCOZxXB
    10 months ago

    Oh. My. Gawd.

    We had 4 turnovers, didn’t allow a TD, and still lost. Our best drive was the TD drive and we immediately get the turnover and we pull it back.

    We are not the eagles and our offense isn’t anywhere near theirs.