No dead pixels, no sub pixel weird colorations, just a totally fine normal Steam Deck with a fun color way. If you’re an owner of the LE waiting for it to arrive, freaking out about it because you’re seeing all the issues here, fear not there is a good chance your Deck is going to be fine.

  • lundon44B
    10 months ago

    Canadian here, my LE arrives tomorrow and obviously praying for no dead pixels. Personally, I’ve never had to RMA any hardware in my life before. I’m usually the one reading about other people’s problems than running into my own. So I’m trying to be optimistic that the dead pixel issue isn’t as wide spread as this sub makes it sound. I’d actually be curious to see a poll result here for those that have dead pixels vs those that don’t.

    • theoozebluezOPB
      10 months ago

      I’ve done an RMA with Valve before and other than the length of time (somewhere between 2-3 weeks for me in the US) the whole process was super simple and streamlined. Get label, drop it off, wait.

      But odds are you will be fine. Definitely take a close look when you first unbox/setup but I’m hopeful you won’t have any issues.