Hi team!

All electronics have failure rates, sometimes as high as 5%. I don’t know what the SteamDeck has in terms of PPM, but I do know that if you contact Steam, they will take care of the defect.

Posting your hardware defects here is not doing anything helpful as only steam can take care of the issue. It also is the squeaky wheel syndrome where people are starting to think that most of the new OLED decks are shipping with defects.

Likewise it just creates noise in the sub as it is flooded with ‘my deck has this issue’ and really we should just hear about it if steam won’t take care of the defect.

I mean asking the community for help is more than appropriate, but if it’s clearly a hardware defect, just let steam know and you’ll have a brand new replacement before to long in most cases.

I love Valve’s Steam Deck Globe Room

P.S. The Deck in the image is inside of a globe with Steam Deck’s all around it that exists at Valve’s office. You can see this in some of their video content they’ve published recently.

  • mmiskiB
    10 months ago

    I’ll play devil’s advocate here in saying that there is some value added with such threads by reducing unnecessary RMAs, as well as gathering information from a larger sample size of affected individuals who have the same issue(s) to identify certain patterns and/or root causes. Both can potentially help Valve if users direct them to such threads and such.

    I get what you’re saying and I know it’s annoying to have a million different threads about the same problem. Maybe weekly bug report/hardware issue megathreads can be created for this purpose. And any additional info gathering polls and such from affected users can also be posted with mod approval.

    • JohnnyBlocks_OPB
      10 months ago

      I agree but since we dont have actual stats, these posts just provide fearmongering.