I wasn’t allowed to watch any show that made fun of Jesus when I was younger. They claimed it was “blasphemous” and it would be a bad influence on me. So they specifically prevented me from watching Family Guy and South Park. Also one of the reasons I wasn’t allowed to watch South Park was because my uncle beat the Stick of Truth and snitched to my mom about the abortion scene. So that was another reason why she didn’t want me to watch South Park as she didn’t want me exposed to that either as she thought it would promote abortion to me. I remember the thrill on some nights waiting until my parents went to sleep so I could sneak onto Comedy Central and watch South Park. Good times
Poor Ms. Garrison never got to experience the joy of scrambling the brains of an innocent baby and vacuuming it out. I am sorry for all the trans people who have to go through that struggle. I know it must be tough. Women have it so easy 😔