I’m currently paying a marketing firm around $1200 per month to manage my SEO and Google Ads campaigns. I’m also spending around $30 per day on the Ads campaigns. The company created the landing pages, manages the ads, and makes adjustments based on leads generated.

This is really starting from to dig into my bottom line. I’m a 1 man operation, and max revenue I can generate is around 12k per month with an average around 7k. I’m spending close to 20% of expected revenue on marketing. To make things worse, last month I was seeing crazy jumps in clicks (3,000%) with no increase in leads.

I’m considering dropping the marketing firm and taking over the Ads myself, or even looking for an alternative company more reasonably priced. I don’t know that I need more on my plate, but I feel like saving that $1200 per month would be smarter.


  • Wosey_JhalesOPB
    10 months ago

    It’s just the one landing page, which kind of covers everything as a more streamlined version of my website. I’m a private pet trainer who also has a handful of part time contracts for security K9 services. I don’t advertise security K9 services through this outlet, but they are on my website. I should have said earlier, this particular marketing company does advertising solely for pet trainers.

    Can you elaborate on the lead connector concerns? I like how it collects the contact information and provides the auto text to clients. I’m a one man operation, so it might be late at night or the next day before I can answer a lead. I feel like this at least lets them know I’m not willfully ignoring them. It’s also easier to answer a with a quick text during an appointment as opposed to a phone call. I’m open to suggestions and insights.

    Thank you for your help!