It’s just the one landing page, which kind of covers everything as a more streamlined version of my website. I’m a private pet trainer who also has a handful of part time contracts for security K9 services. I don’t advertise security K9 services through this outlet, but they are on my website. I should have said earlier, this particular marketing company does advertising solely for pet trainers.
Can you elaborate on the lead connector concerns? I like how it collects the contact information and provides the auto text to clients. I’m a one man operation, so it might be late at night or the next day before I can answer a lead. I feel like this at least lets them know I’m not willfully ignoring them. It’s also easier to answer a with a quick text during an appointment as opposed to a phone call. I’m open to suggestions and insights.
Thank you for your help!
Yeah I’m new at doing this for myself as a business owner. My background is running K9 programs for the federal government and a Fortune 500 Defense contractor. Managed to climb the ladder high enough to make just enough money to warrant being laid off. So I went out on my own. Definitely a little out of my element, learning as hard and as fast as possible.
My entire business, including the website, was set up through Zen Business. I can add landing pages as well. I’d say I’m at about an 80/20 split with firm/organic traffic. Though I went straight to the marketing firm as soon as I was up and running, so all I know is business with them. I’m only 9 months into this.