Considering that we see the source of the green ghosts power is a green jewel that she puts In her mouth (swallows?) that should mean that someone new should’ve taken up the mantle after her death because her powers come from a object that presumably anybody could use. In the Atom Eve special we even see a man as the green ghost so we know multiple people have taken up the mantle.

  • Emergency_Argument29B
    10 months ago

    I actually agree. It’s shown as shattered but with access to some sort of mysticism (which the GDA does have access to given the exorcism of Damien Darkblood) it could be repaired.

    Also yes, the wielder has to swallow the gem to use their powers and they have to throw it up when they’re done, which is gross.

    That said maybe we could give it to another hero instead. Like could it stack with Monster Girl’s powers? Imagine her with Flight and intangibility in addition to her own powers.