When we fired Frank, we made Chris Tabor the Interim HC and Jim Caldwell the Special Advisor to the Offensive Coordinator. When we were doing our coaching search last year, we interviewed Caldwell as a potential HC. My question is this:

Why, when you now have an opportunity to evaluate one of the Head Coaching Candidates that you were high enough on to interview last year, do you instead give the Interim Job to Tabor?

Is the thinking that we ruled out Caldwell during the interviews? Is the front office more interested in Tabor as a future HC? Why not make Caldwell HC and keep Brown and Evero as playcallers? It just feels like a missed opportunity to evaluate another coach that we were apparently high on. Or maybe I am just an idiot and missing something super clear.

  • Sabre500B
    10 months ago

    I just hope we can keep Tabor as ST coach after this season, because interim HCs almost never remain with their current team, and he’s such a valuable ST coach, you can’t afford to lose him

  • pancaketac0B
    10 months ago

    Interim HC in the NFL is not a good job…ask Rich Bisaccia!!!