Two all time great regular season players known for their playoff shortcomings. Current achievements

Harden: 1x MVP, 10x All Star, 7x All NBA, 3x scoring champ, 2x assist leader

Embiid: 1x MVP, 6x All Star, 5x All NBA, 2x scoring champ, 3x All Defense

Embiid this season is on his way to winning his 3rd scoring title and matching Harden in that department. If he stays healthy he should surpass Harden in all star and all nba selections as well. I think he will be the higher one all time when it’s all said and done even without a ring

  • kokukojuto33B
    10 months ago

    I think it will be close when its all set and done

    They both have 1 MVP. Harden has 3 scoring titles, Embiid has 2 and its very likely he gets another one this season. Harden is a 10x Allstar and 7x AllNBA, Embiid is a 6x Allstar(soon to be 7), 5x AllNBA(soon to be 6), but also 3x AllNBA defense.

    If Embiid has 2-3 more strong seasons which I think it will easily happen barring disaster, they’ll be pretty much tied in awards. Harden will still have more 1st team AllNBA, Embiid more All defense

    Anyway, a ring would change everything for any of the two.