Curious to know if other people do this as well, or do you guys just have a favorite ward skin you use all the time?
I only ever run the cute penguin ward but def an interesting idea
I always use the cat ward
I also own two cats in real life
My favorite is the ward where it’s a dead project robot head. It’ll match perfectly with my Project skin once I roll it but I’ve been using the Riot fist bump ward for now.
More to the skin I’m using, but generally yes, I try to match every game. I gathered so many free ward skins throught the years, that I think it would be a shame to not try to use as many as I can. Maining support and actually placing many wards per game probably plays a huge part in why I started doing this in the first place, but now it just feels as natural as setting your runes and summoners every game.
I always use the Skiing Penguin ward