Too many personalities in the scene routinely showcase incredible abrasiveness and arrogance which pushes away newcomers and fosters general toxicity and negativity in the community.

I’m thinking about creators such as IWD, LS, Thorin and Monte, people like Forest and Veigarv2 on twitter- they all often do this thing where if they disagree with someone they don’t know, they treat them with absolutely 0 respect, making it clear that not only do they disagree, but that the person is an idiot for thinking/feeling it.

Watching these streamers treat people like dirt over low-stakes disagreements while their chat eggs them on and echoes them is just shit to see and clearly fosters even more toxicity in a community struggling with that already.

And obviously not all creators are like this, Caedrel for example has a much more positive, self-deprecatory vibe and I’m not surprised he has blown up to the level he has.

And I’m not speaking on their analysis here, they are clearly intelligent about the game/industry. They also don’t treat people like this all the time, but it does happen far too often, and I think the community suffers for it.

I don’t expect anything to change, and if any of these creators saw this thread I’m sure they’d much sooner treat me like an idiot before anything else, but I just wanted to get these thoughts out.

  • Gold_Gain1351B
    10 months ago

    It’s one of the main reasons NA League is in the state it’s in. You have these toxic people and their cultlike fans doing nothing but crap all over the product. How is Riot supposed to market the game to new people when they see all these Twitch streams with thousands of people watching the talking head say that everyone is terrible?