The following 2 characters are characters designed by a friend of mine who wanted to get peoples opinions on them.

I will start with his Tank Hero, Hellraiser:

Name: Noah Goldstein

Place of origin: Jerusalem, Israel

Noah is a young man in his late 20’s after having an incredible disease he applied for the overwatch program In hopes of giving his life purpose and hopefully curing his disease after a close run in with death overwatch agents Angela Ziegler and Moira who at the time was running tests to see if she could cure his disease used Mitch’s resurrection technology to bring him back however do to Moira’s test and given that removing the device was essential impossible after being used ended up making him immortal after this he was put as a candidate for black watch however after the failed mission of black watch he was never officially put into the group

HP - 450 white 200 armor

Hitbox is about the same as Hog’s

Weapon: Rip Jaw a bazooka with a slow fire rate and deals 150 per shot fired has a slow fire rate (Pharah fire rate. Ram punch projectile speed)

Passive: Heavy hitter: Hellraiser stores damage that he takes and hp that he losses in combat and applies it to his damage in the form a single shot in his bazooka the damage boost has a cap of 400. This stored damage diminishes upon death.

Ability 1, Unkillable: Hellraiser enters a state called riot in which he takes 50 percent less damage but has reduced healing and when he kills an enemy revives an ally at random if he would die while in riot he instead gains a second chance and revives with full hp this ability has a 20 second cooldown.

Ability 2, Onslaught: Hellraiser can cleanse himself and make himself immune to all cc at the cost of hp this ability is on a meter and he takes 30 percent less damage when using it but looses 100 health per second it takes 10 seconds for it to fully recharge and has no cooldown. Use size is the same as Defense Matrix.

Ultimate, Team Breaker: Hellraiser grabs an enemy launches himself and the enemy into the air and then slams them down onto a target location dealing 100 damage to all surviving enemy’s and dealing enough damage to enemy grabbed equal to half his hp after landing he drops his hp to one becomes invulnerable and enters his riot state. The smash AOE is the same as Lucio Aura size on ground level.

Next up is his DPS, Fear Mongerer:

No lore or real name

HP - 200 white

Weapon/primary fire: Nyctophobia, a sniper rifle that deals 50 to the body and 100 with a headshot when fear monger lands a crit he blinds the enemy fogging up there vision for 2.5 seconds and they can’t see their HUD. Attack Speed is the same as Ana. His primary fire shots are like Ana bullets when unscoped.

Passive, Can’t Scare Me: When being hit with CC, the person that hit him is feared forcing them to run away and use their movement abilities in the direction away from him.

Ability 1/Secondary Fire, Fight or Flight: Fear Mongerer can change the his ammo to have an additional effect. This works like Moira orb and has a 12 second cooldown. Primary fire gives him 3 fight mode bullets and Secondary Fire gives him 3 Flight bullets. If it is on fight mode, enemies hit by him are locked out of movement abilities and forced to constantly fire their weapon. Friendly fire is enabled by those hit and they automatically shoot their supports when they get healed. Lasts for 3 seconds. if it is set to flight, enemies hit become panicked for 2 seconds making them involuntarily use there ultimate and movement abilities there movement abilities will always have them move in the opposite direction of fear monger.

Ability 2, Fear Bomb: Fear Mongerer launches a bomb at the same speed as Bastion Grenade. Enemies hit will be feared and run away from Fear Mongerer. They use movement abilities away from him. 7 second cd

Ability 3, Scare Scope: Fear Mongerer scopes in and reveals crit points on enemies. Hitting these points activates his crit effect. He also becomes Hitscan until he releases it. No cooldown so this is his scope button.

Can reconfigure to make Ability 1 be E and Ability 3 be Right click in settings.

Horror Room, Ult: Fear Mongerer fires a shot that creates a massive smoke screen the size of Blizzard around it. Allies and Enemies must be within the screen to see those within. Enemies see each other as their role opponent and friendly fire is on. Lasts 10 seconds.

Example for ult:

Team 1 - Rein, Reaper, Fear Mongerer, Illari, Zen

Team 2 - Zarya, Mei, Ashe, Moira, Lucio

To the players on team 2, Zarya looks exactly like Rein (same outline and battletag), Mei looks like Reaper, Ashe looks like Fear Mongerer, Moira looks like Illari, and Lucio looks like Zen. Team 2 has friendly fire turned on when they are in the smoke.

My friend is excited to see what you guys think. He expects to be seen as a madman. His quote “Aight im really exited to get called a mad man for there concept ideas lol” In a future post I will add his Iris cameraman, Gambit. A support hero.