Im not much of a gamer (ironically I make games for a living) but I made a bet with my kids that if the Detroit Lions make the playoffs this year I’ll buy them a system, and its looking like almost a lock to happen, so I want to get in on some Holiday deals.

This is their first non-Nintendo system so I’m a little lost on which way to go at this point in the generation cycle. For reference they’re 7 and 9 year old boys and are gonna be new to gaming that isnt based around crafting or Italian brothers. (i made them use my old NES, then SNES first, then got them a Switch a couple years back)

  • OwnContribution1463OPB
    10 months ago

    well hold on, thats not fair at all. Im very involved with my kids and their interests. My question on which system is because at this point in the generational cycle, i’m not sure if there’s anything that really separates one from the other so I thought I’d ask but I guess I could have just kept googling which is the better option. And asking what their friends like or have returns the answers “Bryce has a PC and plays Fortnite, Caleb has a PS5 and Henry plays MineCraft on his Xbox.” and that’s one kid. If I ask the 7 year old the answer is generally “I don’t know.” Kids change their mind every 5 minutes, im just trying to get a few nuggets of feedback and wisdom so I make the best educated decision I can. And as far as I “claim” to make games for a living, I’m a dev at one of the largest mobile publishers, so I don’t console game very much. The last game I remember buying was COD: Black Ops so its been a minute.