do you think hardy is going to be a maverick long term? to me it seems like he is simply being buried deeper and deeper into the bench. his minutes are very sparing and its trending downward. I think he has the ability to be a 6th man of the year player but with all the guards on the roster and offense not being a huge need do you feel he will be a maverick beyond his rookie contract?

  • lsmith77B
    10 months ago

    I think what is interesting with Hardy vs. THJ is that if Hardy can show he is noticeable better at defense compared to THJ, it might be ok if he isn’t shooting as well as THJ. Now Hardy isn’t projected to be an amazing defender either but THJ is such a minus on defense (despite trying hard and at least taking charges).

    But as things stand right now, THJ will only get moved if we get a very good offer. Otherwise better keep him and trade him next offseason.