do you think hardy is going to be a maverick long term? to me it seems like he is simply being buried deeper and deeper into the bench. his minutes are very sparing and its trending downward. I think he has the ability to be a 6th man of the year player but with all the guards on the roster and offense not being a huge need do you feel he will be a maverick beyond his rookie contract?

  • Kball4177B
    10 months ago

    He’s not a great defender and his decision making on offense is questionable. There was a play this game where he had I believe THJ wide open for 3 and instead of just dishing it to him, he went for a straight line drive and was forced to finally pass it out to him outside of his catch radius.

    You can always tell his first instinct is to shoot and he only passes when all other options are taken away. I’ve been impressed with how good of a transition player he has been this season, but that is about the only notable improvement I have seen from him thus far.