Hello everyone,
Hope you are doing great!
Short tldr about me: My name is Sakuritou (just call me Saku) and i am currently the highest ranked Cho’Gath Main, i peaked at 1021 LP on the EUW Server.
I mainly play (and got “known” for playing) a really aggresive Midlane/ADC Cho’Gath Playstyle that revolves around the usage of Hail of Blades (even tho in this current split i have also played a lot of Comet)
Here’s the link for my opgg
With that being said, feel free to ask me anything c:
Possibly, i used to play both Katarina and Irelia before changing to Cho - id say, its way easier with highly mechanical champs than with someone like Cho c:
(Also you could “meta-abuse” but that just be boring)
To sum it up, i prob could get higher elo on more “modern” champs but getting it with Cho is fun c: