I know that both Andrei and Libby’s family are insufferable but I have a few things I’d like to discuss and ask. They’re like annoying to talk about BUT…

Ive been watching happily ever after (newer seasons) and I’m seeing all of them bicker over Andrei entering the family business.

Now… I don’t remember much of the old seasons but did the family ever give Andrei a chance? Like were they ever nice to him?

I get it I don’t even like Andrei myself TBH. He’s very harsh, curses a lot by his daughter and just many things… idk how Libby can take all this conflict lol. I remember when he grabbed her phone and threw it somewhere while driving… ooof… anyway sometimes like I don’t blame her family for being so mean towards him but then again they’re all pretty annoying… idk with this whole dynamic I never know who is right or wrong.

The sisters and Charlie love to pick a fight and I know Andrei doesn’t hold back so… I guess who’s the lesser of two evils? 😭😂

  • slavicblonde77B
    10 months ago

    He’s a typical Slav man which isn’t an issue to me personally but I don’t recall her family (besides Chuck) being anything but combative and seemingly biased towards where he’s from. I wouldn’t exactly get along with people who call my country’s cuisine ‘peasant food’ either

  • minivatreniB
    10 months ago

    The family seemed more toxic to me than him. Wasn’t the brother an alcoholic and the mother defending him?

  • GatoradeNipplesB
    10 months ago

    You’re starting to realize why I kinda like Andrei.

    His personality is what it is (and, to be entirely fair to him, is basically Standard Eastern European Dude), but it’s also not the source of 95% of their issues. He actually gives Family Libby a lot more grace than I would expect out of a dude like him, it’s almost kind of impressive that it took that long for a fistfight to happen between him and Charlie.