I’ve been playing league since season 3. Since then, there’s been a influx of new players ove the years that missed some of the weirdest, and funniest, builds and things that were once meta.

I’ll start

  • Kassadin had a 95% ban rate. If he wasn’t banned in ranked, most players would either first pick or dodge.
  • AP Master Yi and Trydamere were viable and OP at one point
  • pre worked Sion had AP scaling and could 1 shot
  • Xin Zhao literally broke the game when he was released
  • pre worked Irelia kept getting nerfed. Even when she was balanced.
  • Supports didn’t have a support item. They had to buy wards. This led to most supports not able to buy a full item.
  • Riven was considered to be trash because people didn’t understand her automation canceling.
  • river shen
  • wanaei1B
    10 months ago

    1)Xin zhao was released before season 2, so im not sure you experienced it, but mb if you just mention a fact you have heard, but then again- 2nd hand experience is not 100% correct as the further things you said.

    2)the joke which was in s2,s3,s4 ‘’ better nerf irelia’’ is actually not justified as she was not even that much nerfed and that joke was explained

    3)Riven was never considered trash, I could agree that a lot of people did not understand the animation cancelling in early seasons and didnt even know about it, but trash- no, not at all.

    Get ur facts correct