I’ve been playing league since season 3. Since then, there’s been a influx of new players ove the years that missed some of the weirdest, and funniest, builds and things that were once meta.
I’ll start
- Kassadin had a 95% ban rate. If he wasn’t banned in ranked, most players would either first pick or dodge.
- AP Master Yi and Trydamere were viable and OP at one point
- pre worked Sion had AP scaling and could 1 shot
- Xin Zhao literally broke the game when he was released
- pre worked Irelia kept getting nerfed. Even when she was balanced.
- Supports didn’t have a support item. They had to buy wards. This led to most supports not able to buy a full item.
- Riven was considered to be trash because people didn’t understand her automation canceling.
- river shen
‘‘Riven was considered to be trash because people didn’t understand her automation canceling.’’
playing since S1 and that’s literally a lie
So sad what Riot did to Kassadin. Loved the old q. Only talon could harm you…
I’m getting back into the game as of this week lmao, as a support main I don’t need to buy wards anymore?
Nautilus Jungle was a thing
pre rework fiora with 110ad lvl1 was fun
Thanks for sharing mate!It’s sad that many new players didn’t get to know the crazy builds there used to be before Mythic items were introduced.
One of my favorites was 6x Guinsoo’s Rageblade on Kog’Maw - it was BROKEN.
I’ll never forget the stacking sunfire melting people by walking
let add one more. Vayne amumu karthus was considerd the best late game champions in the game.
I miss tank ekko, assassin shen, jungle karma, zz’rot, and, ironically, buying wards.
Everyone buy a zzrot
Yi Taric every game or dodge for a split
Juggermaw probably seems too farfetched in todays game. Irony is that I bet a similar/modernised version is completely viable. (Karma/Soraka/Taric top, Taric/Rell jungle, Karma/Soraka/Galio/Lulu mid, Nami/Lulu/Soraka/Milio support and one lucky scaling ADC)
Gotta miss that old Maokai ult
ADCs were often mid in the early first year, especially Ashe with TP (R from base and TP to lane).
pre worked Irelia kept getting nerfed. Even when she was balanced.
As a pre-rework Irelia OTP, she was never balanced. There has yet to be a champion as fun. She had tough match ups against a few champions but not many.
AP Yi was so much fun (if you were playing him) … broke af