Im no expert in lol but is he too strong or too bad or why is he hated? Because many people tell me to not buy him.
Why do people hate Nerag?
Why do people ask stupid questions?
Because he takes no skill to pull off. And when you play a champ that does take skill and Garen kills you, well you being better at the game didn’t matter.
Cuz Garen’s kit is straight forward and very easy to execute. Also he is strong. His R is one of the best ults in game and its always strong, no matter how far you fall behind.
I would say he is decently strong even at high levels we see people like adam having success with him.
People generally dislike him because he is considered one of the easiest champion to play in toplane and his gameplay pattern is pretty braindead and forgiving.
His passive helps you out if you take bad trades by regening you back up, his all in combo is simple just being press Q run into them and hit then E and spin to win and R for the finish combined with ignite he has deadly level 6 powerspike that can 100-0 alot of champs if they aren’t aware of that.
Garen at the end of the day is a champ that punishes mistakes by the opponent either micro or macro mistakes against a good opponent that understand his weakness and powerspikes it’s hardly the worst champ to face.
Another annoying point about him is that he is very mobile in the midgame running around with Q and usually deadmansplate aswell he can feel impossible to catch and he can roam easily and influence other lanes aswell and proxy aswell.
Also one last point right now most garens go phase rush which enables even better short trades allowing garen to go in do a quick combo and run out without allowing alot of counterplay against some champs.
As a beginner just play many champs. Play whatever draws your attention and if it’s cheap, like Garen, even better