Linus never shuts the hell up about Linux so I wanna install it on my 14900k and 4090 system just to make a video for twitter so I can prove how good or shit it is and tag Linus in the post so once and for all we can have the answer if gaming on Linux is even worth it

  • Comfortable-Debt6950OPB
    10 months ago

    I think you are the problem here and anyone who agrees with you, see this is why people just hide away and live in misery and silence because when they are trying to learn new things people like you kick them down, call them names and convince others to do so as well, you should be ashamed of yourself for being a bully like this and also convincing others it’s okay to talk this way, if someone is new to something and trying to learn you don’t put them down and make them feel like crap you are supposed to help them learn and encourage them. I feel bad for your friends if this is your daily attitude if you even have any