Linus never shuts the hell up about Linux so I wanna install it on my 14900k and 4090 system just to make a video for twitter so I can prove how good or shit it is and tag Linus in the post so once and for all we can have the answer if gaming on Linux is even worth it
It took me way too long to realize this was about Linus tech tips and not Linus Torvalds
Of course Linus never shuts up about Linux, he created it 😂
I was able to get going with kubuntu pretty easy.
Kubuntu. Pop os or nobara seem to be the popular ones for new people. Not that they’re particularly special. They just have a lot of things pre installed. Which saves some hassle.
It doesn’t work like that. An OS is like a Vehicle frame. It can look very sporty and behave very stable and safe in motion. But the engine (hardware) and the fuel (drivers) are the key factors for the performance. If those are mediocre, don’t expect to win a race.
Your GPU is great, but unfortunately nvidia doesn’t put much effort into their linux driver. And their proprietary driver is the only viable option at the moment. Their support website confirms the constant issue reports linux users have with nvidia drivers. So expect issues in games and performance loss in comparison to nvidia’s windows driver.