Recently, people have been calling me a “dirty inter” and “the worst teammate they have ever had the displeasure of encountering in solo queue”, due to my extremely poor winrate and high death count. However, despite being Iron 3 with a 23% winrate, I have actually never made a bad play in my entire career. Much like Tarzan’s decision to combo in on a full health Orianna and Rell as a weak Jarvan IV, the people I am playing against are simply using micromovements to trick me into seemingly misplaying.

For example, just yesterday I played a game against a Sett top as Irelia. A tough matchup, of course, but one that wouldn’t be trouble for a player like myself. However, just like the GOAT Faker, starting from level one he used precise micromovements to bait me into fighting him and dying twenty three times in a row. I’m so sick of people misunderstanding and thinking that I actually made mistakes, when his movement was just that clean. He even micromoved his fingers on his keyboard, typing “ez noob”, causing me to instantly become so enraged that I fought him 3 more times. Or take my game vs a Volibear the other day. I actually killed him first, getting first blood in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, right afterwards the enemy jungler micromoved himself to my lane, while my jungler macromoved himself to the krugs, forcing me to right click on the enemy Nexus and die to turret 13 times before my team eventually gave up.

Any tips on how to explain this to my teammates and how to queue into less skilled opponents?

  • Turbulent_Diver8330B
    10 months ago

    Not going to lie, this copy pasta isn’t really funny. Especially when Faker himself had a life stream that explained exactly what the post said. That is literally what faker was doing and thinking.

  • Major-Ad-4036B
    10 months ago

    its very simple to improve your winrate, just walk into the enemies skillshots, as the way i see it, the more skill shots landed the more likely you are to win

  • League_Of_FrodoB
    10 months ago

    I feel for you mate.

    It is known that League has quite a few toxic players, and that is an understatement. It is NOT your fault.

    However, from my experience playing this game for over 7 years now, there are few key points you should consider which might help you reduce the chances players will flame you:

    1. Play safer - Literally, try to die less. Even if your mechanics with your main champions are good, toxic people find dying as the #1 reason to flame someone. Sometimes, it is better to not die, rather than try to save a teammate from dying.
    2. Encourage others during the game - give them a good word after they kill, assist or get an important objective. “WP”, “GJ”, and “GG” will be sufficient. Trust me, it works.
    3. Remember who your teammates are - iron/bronze players are usually less skilled and experienced in the game, therefore many toxic players can be found there. It is totally fine to just mute toxic players and not chat with them about how each players plays, you know what I mean? Play for yourself, enjoy the game as much as possible, and work on your own game.

    These strategies helped me reduce the amount of flames in a game by 80%, and I finally got from bronze/silver to Platinum 1.

    Good luck!

  • Aeiou-SenpaiB
    10 months ago

    Mods remove all kinds of good topics but leave stuff like this 😂