Just started this game this season. Im not new to first person shooters so ive managed to hit diamond. But ever since hitting diamond, every other game im playing against or with blatant cheaters. They dont even try to hide it, and when i report them nothing happens. It makes this game unplayable.
This game has one of the worst cheater problems of any shooter game. Most of people in this subreddit are below emerald and don’t run into them with the frequency you do in diamond and above.
In one of Varsity Gaming’s newest videos, he did a replay review where a full stack were some of the top champs in the world and were blatantly cheating. They were still active and unbanned at the time of the video, with one of them consistently hitting champ for 5 season. Ubi either doesnt care or doesnt know how to fix it.
The best game to kill teammates👍