Humanizing the refs… that shit ain’t gonna work on me, NBA
Humanizing the refs… that shit ain’t gonna work on me, NBA
This is a tremendous fuckup that required people to not be communicating and/or not doing their jobs properly.
Literally Ubisoft’s shepherding of this game over the past 3-4 years. Minimal effort possible. You know they don’t have too many people working on this shit, because when ANYTHING goes wrong, it takes weeks to months to fix. But they’re rewarded with battlepass sales, cosmetics, and what have you. Especially with the boom in player counts from Jynxzi and the recent resurgence.
I’m personally over it. These past two seasons have been the worst cheaters have ever been at high ranks. My friend’s neighbor works for Ubi Montreal (LMAO I know, but it’s true) and says that even discussing the cheating situation has become taboo at their offices, and that they have no idea what to do about it.
I’m not a milk cow for Ubisoft, I’m not supporting this shit anymore.
You’ve spent the entire morning flooding this subreddit with bullshit. Some life.
You are correct, it’s a made up AR version of the vector
This is the kind of smooth brained take I expect from Varsity Gaming. The guy’s brain is underclocked.
Castle is perfectly balanced. He doesn’t need to be perfect for every single site and every single situation. He has his role and he fills it well.
Horrible utility sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. He has a shotgun, prox/cam, a 1.5 on the UMP with extended barrel, and four armor panels. The idea that he has horrible utility is laughable.
This is a skill issue.
She really just needs a few small tweaks to not be OP. Nerf the range of her gadget and take away the SMG-11, she shouldn’t have such a stacked CQB kit along with the versatility she has.
You probably won’t be getting home until like 12:30-1AM at best
Ubisoft and putting in the minimum viable effort. Name a more iconic duo.
The amount of 2.5+ KD players I see with more than 100 matches is unreal. There are no stat bans. A cheater told me that and I thought he was full of shit until I saw someone with an 11 K/D and well over 100 matches.
It’s the worst it’s ever been. I keep saying that every season, and every season it’s true.
Jeremy Soule is a shit tier person from what’s been said online. But that soundtrack is on another level of fantasy music.
Streets of Whiterun
Jerall Mountains
Standing Stones
Dude it’s every game at this point in champ ELO. I’ve stopped playing because of it. I still love playing it but it sucks to waste so much time playing against cheaters. Back in 1.0, when they got banned you’d get a huge amount of ELO. Now, you only get like 5-10 ELO from the loss rollbacks, but your time was still wasted. It sucks.
It’s seriously every game for me at this point. With K/D’s that are like 3+ after 100’s of games. A hacker told me last season that they don’t do stat bans and I was like “you’re full of shit”. They were right. If you look through the leaderboards you’ll see plenty of these people.
It fucking sucks. I’ve started playing other games because there’s nothing I can do. I feel you OP. You might get some people in here arguing with you about it, but to be honest a lot of this subreddit is below diamond and doesn’t run into it with the frequency you do. That’s not a shot at people or this subreddit, it’s just the reality of ranked distribution.
Yep. This is part of why it’s a trash map. Along with the fact that it feels like no matter where you try to enter the building, defenders have like 8 safe angles to just shit on you.
Idk man, the game has changed and those maps don’t work with the operators we have now. I don’t think that’s why the game isn’t as fun as it used to be. The game is worse because Ranked 2.0 completely ruined the consistency of skill faced at any given ELO and because cheaters are worse than they have ever been. On PC and on console. XIM is out of control and walling on PC has become so commonplace that I have genuinely lost interest in the game for the first time in years.
Crazy to think that the game is more popular than it has been in a long time, but it’s also in one of the worst states ever in Ranked.
This game has one of the worst cheater problems of any shooter game. Most of people in this subreddit are below emerald and don’t run into them with the frequency you do in diamond and above.