I used to watch people like the Northrups, Thomas Weaton or Kai Wong, but it starts to be repetitive watching them all the time. Do you have any youtubers that are not cringe and add some value to this hobby?
Oh, wow. You guys watch a lot of youtube. I was able to extrack 255 different channels.
If i missed somebodys channel i`m sorry. It`s quite a task to gather all the names with lots of duplicates. If there`s a channel that should be on this list let me know and i`ll edit this post.
Here`s the list (in alfabetical order) for anybody that`s interested:
51 Drones https://www.youtube.com/@51Drones
7th Era https://www.youtube.com/@7thEra
Abe Kislevitz https://www.youtube.com/@abekislevitz
Adam Gibbs https://www.youtube.com/@QuietLightPhoto
Adam Harig https://www.youtube.com/@adamharig
Adrien Sanguinetti https://www.youtube.com/@adriensanguinetti
Adventures of Ron https://www.youtube.com/@AdventuresofRon
Air Photography https://www.youtube.com/@AirPhotography
Alan Schaller https://www.youtube.com/@alan_schaller
Alec Soth https://www.youtube.com/@AlecSothYouTube
Alex Armitage https://www.youtube.com/@AlexArmitage
Alex Kim https://www.youtube.com/@AlexKimPhoto
Alex Nail https://www.youtube.com/@alexnail
Alister Benn https://www.youtube.com/@ExpressivePhotography
Alyn Wallace https://www.youtube.com/@AlynWallace
amie Windsor https://www.youtube.com/@amiewindsor842
Analog Insights https://www.youtube.com/@AnalogInsights
Andrew Banner https://www.youtube.com/@AndyBanner
Andy Hutchinson https://www.youtube.com/@Andyhutchinson
Andy Mumford https://www.youtube.com/@AndyMumford
anita sadowska https://www.youtube.com/@sadowskaphoto
Annie Barton https://www.youtube.com/@barton1972
Anthony Gugliotta https://www.youtube.com/@AnthonyGugliotta
Anthony Morganti https://www.youtube.com/@AnthonyMorganti
aows https://www.youtube.com/@aows
Aperture Foundation https://www.youtube.com/@ApertureFoundationNewYork
Art of Photography https://www.youtube.com/@theartofphotography
AstroBackyard https://www.youtube.com/@AstroBackyard
Astrobiscuit https://www.youtube.com/@Astrobiscuit
attic darkroom https://www.youtube.com/@atticdarkroom
Aurélien Pierre: https://www.youtube.com/@AurelienPIERREphoto
Bad Flashes https://www.youtube.com/@BadFlashes
Becki & Chris https://www.youtube.com/@BeckiandChris
Ben hartley https://www.youtube.com/@BenHartley
Ben Horne https://www.youtube.com/@BenHorne
Benjamin Hardman https://www.youtube.com/@BenjaminHardman
Big Negative https://www.youtube.com/@TheBigNegative-PhotoChannel
Billie Weiss https://www.youtube.com/@billieweiss7681
Borut Peterlin https://www.youtube.com/@BorutPeterlinPhotography
Brendan Van Son https://www.youtube.com/@BrendanvanSon
Brews n’ Views https://www.youtube.com/@BrewsNViews
Bruce Williams: https://www.youtube.com/@audio2u/featured
Bryan Birks https://www.youtube.com/@BryanBirks
Camera Conspiracies https://www.youtube.com/@cameraconspiracies
Captured by Sam https://www.youtube.com/@itscapturedbysam
Carmine Taverna https://www.youtube.com/@CarmineTavernaPhotography
Casey Faris https://www.youtube.com/@CaseyFaris
Casey Neistat https://www.youtube.com/@casey
Cassidy Lynne https://www.youtube.com/@CassidyLynne
Chis Hau https://www.youtube.com/@thechrishau
Serge Remelli
Simon D’Entremont
Eventually I get tired of watching any of them, but I used to like DigitalRev with Kai and Lam. They were a good balance of informative and fun to watch.
For reviews I watched Chris Nicholls, Matt Granger, Steve Perry. It’s hard to find a channel that isn’t too ‘youtuber’ in style (“smash that like button and don’t forget to subscribe!”), and knows what they’re talking about.
Alec Soth. There are probably others out there that do the service he does to photography as a storytelling medium, but I haven’t found them.
Jamie Windsor is excellent - he is operating at a far higher level of quality and creativity than anyone else out there, in my opinion.
Evan Ranft