This hero is mostly bonkers, 2 shots your rax and heals LD back up to 5k hp when hitting creeps with only a few WB and bracers

  • Unstoppable ult transformation, through hex/silence/stun? ✅

  • 2k HP with a few iron branches? ✅

  • Probably one of the best shards in the game? ✅

  • Fear, root, damage, building destroyer? ✅

  • Free satanic when bear hits anyone? ✅

  • idontknow9091B
    10 months ago

    they need to nerf the bear HP .

    they make bear have HIGH HP because bear dont gain stat before the stat bear patch.

    now bear can gain benefit stats , but the HP untouched . imagine lv 7 with almost 3k hp , 400 MS without boots, same dmg as heroes, free root, 50 mana burn ( including +50 dmg mana burn ) every hit diffusal .

    not a single hero can battle a bear at lv 7 ( most burst at this lvl at 500 dmg from 2 spell , including ult probably around 1k dmg at best )

    they cant even survive with probably 300-700 mana pool at lv 7 , 10 hit from diffusal attack drain your mana, not count the LD throwing his knife kitchen in the back.

    dont forget that all stats gain have alot of benefit such as attack speed, hp, hp regen, mana regen, magic resistance.

  • ZersetzungMediaB
    10 months ago

    “Sorry not sure what you expected from a letter patch” ~ a redditor

  • Yu-SakB
    10 months ago

    Seems hard to balance this hero, it’s either dead or OP

  • heartfullofpainsB
    10 months ago

    Killing bear twice removes 20k networth from enemy for 120 sec? check

  • Papa_Mid_NiteB
    10 months ago

    My two cents is I think micro heroes are rewarding. Winrate means not much on them as a small pool of players can play them properly. Immortal is not the flesh of the player base so maybe they did not touch it because on an “avg” pub it is still hit or miss.

  • Nofucksgiven08B
    10 months ago

    I saw a guy (not that great imo) go from Herald 4 to Crusader 3 in a month playing nothing but LD.

  • TheBuriB
    10 months ago

    Here, I am a filthy LD picker in the immortal bracket and I can tell you why valve didn’t nerf it… the hero is not THAT great… As simple as that.

    The hero offers no teamfight and the damage it delivers (to heroes) is not that good either, so yeah it’s tanky, but doesnt offer much. Compare it to kunkka that gives a ton of easy to set up TF power, damage reduction for the whole team or compare it to OD/TA/SF who melts people in a matter of seconds, LD is quite average on almost anything besides tanking, don’t get me wrong, he’s a good laner (probably one of the best), but he has weaknesses.

    In the early laning stage, don’t pressure the hero, PRESSURE THE BEAR, the bear dies, and it’s absolutly game winning if you can kill it. Killing the bear is quite easy later in the game if he doesn’t have bkb, and most LD players know that going BKB on the bear means almost sure that they can still go for your hero and ignore ur BKB, as almost every hc melee, the bear CAN BE KITED. And also is easier to kite than any other melee because if you separe the bear from the hero 1100 range (less than blink dagger) the bear won’t even attack.

    So then why does he has such a good Winrate? First, look at the amount of games, he’s not a hero to pick every game, good LD players pick the hero in good games for it, as you can see it’s not like old CK with a 54% WR in over a 1,300 games in the last 8 days, it has been picked in 500 games in the mid role. You could apply the same concept to lycan or even visage. These type of heroes are really goods in some games, and the most important part of playing them is knowing when to pick them. Pullin out a win in an uncontested game as LD is very easy, but try to do it with a lot of enemy counters.

    And last but not least, being a really good laner means that… yes, he almost always win his lane, and that my friends is REALLY important in pubs where people have such a weak mentality. Most players in pubs (even worse in immortal bracket) give up at the first adversity… I have a really good WR with LD mid even though IM NOT A MID PLAYER, mostly because of kids that rage buyback and go jungle after I kill them rushing diffusal when they went some naked midas or some stupid shit, then I also take their tower afterwards, and the rest of tier 1 towers, giving my supports a lot of gold and a good game. In the meantime their greedy mid has a midas, is tilted, their hc has a midas and is also tilted having to farm the side camps cause showing in the map is dangerous, and their supports are also qeueing midas cause “my noob mid won’t carry this game” and feeding in sidelanes being alone with no escape item.

    The reality is that the hero WILL take your towers but if you don’t feed him and try to fight him properly, he can’t do much more and he will fall off after the laning stage and mid game. Controlling the map is easy in pubs when you win the laning stage of the game, but pushing HG is a different story. That’s why the hero didn’t have such a great WR in TI, only a few specialist players (people that play the hero A LOT) picked LD with a couple of mixed results (Ace is a good example).

    TL;DR: The hero is great on pubs where coordination sucks. On proper TFs the hero offers pretty much nothing.

    Don’t believe me? try playing LD and you will learn the hero has counters and has weaknesses.

  • JowbeatzB
    10 months ago

    Unstoppable ult transformation, through hex/silence/stun?

    this is absolutely stupid

  • WellKnoB
    10 months ago

    Windranger at your service.

    LD has no chance to lane against WR, no chance against WR in team fights until he gets MKB, even if he does, with scepter she will kill him before he recognizes her hitting him
    WR is so annoying for LD, WR eats LD alive

  • arkantos_sepB
    10 months ago

    He is strong, but not broken. People just don’t know how to counter (not Immortal ofc, but lower brackets). The hero has a major downside that you if you kill him without bear, he is a creep for 2+ minutes and then it’s super hard to come back.

  • Mr_TiltzB
    10 months ago

    how about you get good? Dota is a balance and the most non toxic game OF ALL TIME.