Whenever AI is more effective, use it. Full stop. Yes, people are going to lose their jobs. MOST people will across every single industry under the sun. Okay? That’s just reality. That is our future, it’s not stopping. For so many reasons.

You cannot, and will not, compete on the global market full stop if you do that. Not only that, keeping Jobs around and forcing people to work when they are contributing zero to society, is morally reprehensible. That’s just making them work just cause. Wasting their life working just cause. Don’t need to, they have no real use, they are worse at the job, but make them do it anyway just to give the average guy something to do.

Can’t have a population with idle hands! Right guys?? But why. Lol. There’s no reason we as a population have to work full time forever. None. Zero.

It is not companies jobs to figure out how society is going to work here. Call. Your. Congressman.

This is the feds job.

  • MetroExodus2033B
    10 months ago

    I agree with you. The big problem we’re going to face is that governments are too old. Most of our politicians are so clueless (willingly and unwillingly) about what is coming that they aren’t going to put protections for humans in.

    I imagine a world in which the poorer get much poorer because they have no safety net. They can’t get a job easily (evern worse than now), and our politicians haven’t set up society to move forward with feeding, clothing, and housing our population.

  • buddyyodaB
    10 months ago

    if thousands of people are out of jobs, then how will they earn money?

    if there are no money, how will they buy games?

  • BladebrentB
    10 months ago

    AI has been used to make jobs easier. Plenty of tools have been made to make physics more convenient, do animation easier, or even make gameplay patterns or levels easier and more efficient to make so people can make better products.

    However, AI is NOT a substitute for humans. Despite what some people think, AI generated content is NOT anywhere near on par with human creativity and intent.

    I dont know what thread of logic you’re running on to say its ‘immoral’ for people to keep their jobs. Believe it or not, there are people who like working. Making art, coding, programming, creating ideas, stories, and gameplay concepts IS what fills people emotionally. YOU are the amoral one if you think we should replace all jobs with AI cause you want content to be made for you without needing to put effort into it.

  • akrobertB
    10 months ago

    Go peddle your tripe in r/conservatives or one of the other pro capitalism subs.