• mcassweedB
      10 months ago

      Maybe he should play like that the whole game…

      The Rockets shot 55/39/74 in the game.

      Do you think Green, who finished with 26/6/9 on TS 89% did not provide enough offense?

      • AutographedSnorkelB
        10 months ago

        Do you think Green, who finished with 26/6/9 on TS 89% did not provide enough offense?

        With FVV out, no he didn’t. He had 5 points at halftime. 26 points is slightly above average for him. Of course, inconsistency is the biggest knock on him. He basically had one good quarter, as he disappeared in the fourth, again. At least he had a decent road game for once, so yay?

        • mcassweedB
          10 months ago

          You haven’t explained how the Rockets could improve from 55/39/74, with a TS 65.7% with an offensive rating of 136.3.

          I assume you don’t know this, but the best offensive team in the league (Pacers) average a true shooting of TS 61.3% with an offensive rating of 122.5. The Rockets’ offense today completely blows away the offensive efficiency of the best offensive team in the league.

          You likely don’t understand this because Jalen’s role was not to dominate shots, but to facilitate, which is why he has 9 assists. Passing when he should, and shooting when he shoot, is how the Rockets played one of their best offensive games ever despite the lost. It doesn’t matter who makes the shot as long as someone makes it.

          The issue is literally entirely on defense. If the Rockets were even half as good on defense as they usually were, they could have taken this game.

          It’s not Rocket science, honestly, but let me know if you need help understanding what TS% or offensive rating is. Happy to explain.

  • htownballa1B
    10 months ago

    Jalen is in a tough situation as far as adjustment go. The balls been in his hands his whole life, including the past couple of years. Now he’s inserted into a very structured offense that runs through FVV and Alp, and you can see him trying to adjust.

    The kids 21 and was basically given the keys to the car without being taught to drive while we continued to use those picks.

    Give him a full year under Udoka, I bet you post All-Star break Jalen is not the same Jalen we are watching right now.

    I said it before the season, the thing I was looking forward to the least was the shitting on our players while they adjust to a new coach and new culture. Here we are, not even 20 games in, and it’s all over the place.