Everyone shit talking and dooming 6 mins into the game, as a rocket tradition. This fucking sub.
Everyone shit talking and dooming 6 mins into the game, as a rocket tradition. This fucking sub.
Games as a service
I’m out on that note.
Rockets with the leagues top defense, green playing 31 mpg…….
But let’s continue with this narrative that green doesn’t play or can’t play defense.
Luka pushes off sooooo much
Dumb. DB gets f2……
Texans don’t have a song technically.
During the JJ years it was bulls on parade because that was the defensive nickname.
Honestly thunderstruck by AC/DC is the correct post by the other user. It’s the song played in the intro every game.
It’s crazy how the game was over after 6 mins……
Those are fouls if Luka has the rock.
I’ll stand by my preseason prediction- this offense is going to be ugly for the first 40 games
Alp asleep on d
Green assaulted……
That’s such a dumb call.
Omg I though the game was over and we were trading away our team, hiring a new coach and rebuilding…………. You mean it’s not over the first 6 minutes? Crazy
I’m guessing we should probably bench alp right? I mean he’s missed more shots than Jalen…………………
Alp 1-5 and 1 rebound, we should probably bench him too right? This sub………
Jalen is in a tough situation as far as adjustment go. The balls been in his hands his whole life, including the past couple of years. Now he’s inserted into a very structured offense that runs through FVV and Alp, and you can see him trying to adjust.
The kids 21 and was basically given the keys to the car without being taught to drive while we continued to use those picks.
Give him a full year under Udoka, I bet you post All-Star break Jalen is not the same Jalen we are watching right now.
I said it before the season, the thing I was looking forward to the least was the shitting on our players while they adjust to a new coach and new culture. Here we are, not even 20 games in, and it’s all over the place.