So u got in a lobby and u got ur standart ban and someone hovers a champ u really dislike and u normally ban all the time ?
what u do do u still ban or not ?
for my self as long as u not first pick i still ban the champ couse i don`t want to play against it and everyone should have backup picks.
example i intend to play malphite i would 100% ban sylas. so if my 4th pick mid hovers sylas i don`t care i wont let the enemy pick sylas into me couse the matchup is really really bad.
so how u handle it ?
Why does this post come up once a week? Why not just bump an old one?
YTA if you ban a teammates champ it’s that simple and there is no way around.
I ban Briar 100% of the games, the only time I’ve ever played against her is when a teammate hovers her and the opponent picks it first. Thats still better than potentially banning out a teammates pick, you are literally titling them before the game starts for no reason and probably have already lost the game.