So u got in a lobby and u got ur standart ban and someone hovers a champ u really dislike and u normally ban all the time ?
what u do do u still ban or not ?
for my self as long as u not first pick i still ban the champ couse i don`t want to play against it and everyone should have backup picks.
example i intend to play malphite i would 100% ban sylas. so if my 4th pick mid hovers sylas i don`t care i wont let the enemy pick sylas into me couse the matchup is really really bad.
so how u handle it ?
Ask to swap pick order so you don’t get countered instead of screwing over & tilting a teammate
I feel this way about Darius, if my teammate is too dumb to play Garen he deserves his champ to be banned. I always ban Kayn though, Danny Phantom go ghost other people’s games.
If you ban my champ I just run it down, idc
I would not ban this champion unless the champion just got released like briar in the early days…You can just swap pick order and let them pick this champ before you.
so u say i screw my teammate by banning his champ.
the most time where i see this are champs like yasuo,yone and zed.
all 3 of them got a stedy high ban rate.
these guys should be used to there champs getting banned.
and yes sure if they can get first pick to get there champ i happy do so.
Why does this post come up once a week? Why not just bump an old one?
YTA if you ban a teammates champ it’s that simple and there is no way around.
I ban Briar 100% of the games, the only time I’ve ever played against her is when a teammate hovers her and the opponent picks it first. Thats still better than potentially banning out a teammates pick, you are literally titling them before the game starts for no reason and probably have already lost the game.
clearly you are playing for fun and not to win, so you shlould let your midlaner potentially have fun too