Hey guys, recently i got into league because of my friends and it is really fun to play. Now i want to play ranked matches even without my friends but im afraid that my teammates will Flame me for everything i do wrong, im not the best Player and still learning. Is it a thing that you mute the chat in game?

It sounds like a stupid question but i consider myself stupid so its ok haha.

  • Haydrian_CindelB
    10 months ago

    I’m sure others have said this, but I’ll throw my two cents in. Yes muting chat is a thing, you hold tab, go to your icon and press the volume icon next to it. That mutes everyone and everything.

    Let’s put the toxicity this way. I’d say that in at least 60-70% of my games there’s at least one person who will say toxic things. You can usually guess who it’s gonna be because they’re almost always the people playing the champs known for being strong. Champs like Yasuo for example. They’ll flame you and your team, and blame everyone but themselves and the enemy team. The thing is, they’re usually mad because theyre not there for the same reason everyone else is. They don’t enjoy the challenge or the team play. They’re there to feel like gods by playing strong champs and carrying the game.

    In other words, muting chats a great idea. That way you don’t waste your time and energy listening to a bunch of narcissists with brain rot trying to tell you it’s your fault they aren’t getting to pretend they’re a god, that your the worst player they’ve ever seen, and even though your just support it’s your fault they died in top lane 10 different times and now the Nasus can 1 v 5 underneath tower.