I’m kinda new to this game since someone brought me into this game and I’ve always play support just because I like the support role, but I’m looking like what’s a good and easy to learn champion for a support?

I’ve always picked Yuumi lately but I got flamed by my ADC and I’m looking for an alternative so that I don’t get flamed so much lmao. Tried Morgana since people says it’s a strong support but, I died a lot in this game. Sooo, any suggestions for me to try? Thank youu


  • Delde116B
    1 year ago

    Easy supports











    Supports that focus on keeping teammates alive/play from a distance/create distance from opponents

    Sona, Soraka, Janna


    Supports that engage and are melee range and become a meat shield/sacrifice.

    Braum, Leona, Taric, Nautilus, Rakan (Rakan is the only one with the ability to escape, since he is not a tank)


    Midlane Mages that have become supports because they are no longer good champions in the midlane. These mages exist to POKE and stun/root. Your objective is to slowly take the enemy’s hp away.

    Morgana (longest stun from a distance)

    Annie (have stun accumulated and Flash + Ultimate = maximum stun + damage

    Zyra (use flowers to poke and be annoying, you create a distance and zone the enemy from your adc)

    [[[[[[[ Brand (annoying little fcker tha become a second mage in the late game)

    Vel’koz (use Q and geometry to poke your opponents from a distance) ]]]]]]

    If you ever feel bored, and want to be an aggresive support, you can pick those midlane mages if you want. Personally speaking as a support main since 2013, Vel’koz and Brand are the least helpful FOR BEGINNERS. Obviously they are amazing if you are a one trick pony and only play those champions and nothing else, but its better if you ignore those two entirely and just play them if you ever want to have fun.