When entering lobby you roll a dice, there’s about 50% chance that you will see one of the following messages:

  • Are you X from last game?
  • Who is filled?
  • 15 it
  • Let me X role

The next thing that will happen is that all 4 other players start flaming each other. If you roll one of those events, your only chance to win is that the same thing happened to the enemy team. If either team rolls those events and the other team doesn’t, the game is decided. Can Riot do something about this?

  • TheDregnB
    1 year ago

    It isn’t low masters, it’s League. Playing since S2, I was from bronze to high plat (currently here yaay) everywhere, watching a lot of streams from low diamond to challenger and I swear if you hide the names, you can’t freaking tell the rank. Exactly the same chat, same mentally weak players, same entitled bastards, same noobs, same smurfs, same misplays, same ragequitters, same terrible quality plays. You fire up twitch, click on a random unknown streamer and you can not tell what rank he is. SoloQ is basically a slot machine. You pull the lever and each slot rolls a teammate for you from >>a guy with 270 ping who is unranked<< to >>literally Faker<< and good luck.