Some champs were banned so often that bans in ARAM were tantamount to completely disabling them from the gamemode
That’s exactly what I’d like to see. Certain champs have no place on ARAM, like Shaco or Teemo since the removal of oracles. They are literally the Antichrist of fun.
It isn’t low masters, it’s League. Playing since S2, I was from bronze to high plat (currently here yaay) everywhere, watching a lot of streams from low diamond to challenger and I swear if you hide the names, you can’t freaking tell the rank. Exactly the same chat, same mentally weak players, same entitled bastards, same noobs, same smurfs, same misplays, same ragequitters, same terrible quality plays. You fire up twitch, click on a random unknown streamer and you can not tell what rank he is. SoloQ is basically a slot machine. You pull the lever and each slot rolls a teammate for you from >>a guy with 270 ping who is unranked<< to >>literally Faker<< and good luck.