I can understand why Riot wanted to add a new rank, their explanation about wanting to smooth out rank distribution made sense. However no Rioter actually understands the mindset of a low elo player, and what adding a new rank in low elo would do.

A low elo player sees a shiny new rank, plays 10 games and gets into it for free, feels all accomplished even though they are at the exact same place they were last season, and then soft ints and flames until they hit E4 0 LP and climb enough to safely soft int again.

Anyone who has ever played in this freak elo can attest to the poor game quality. Plat was a godsend comparatively, since everyone there was tryhard to hit emerald, communcation was at a high and there were barely any griefers or chatters.

I’d like to give suggestions to help Riot out but I don’t see what can be done as of now. Removing it would add the rank distribution problem back, and Riot has already shown they dont wanna dedicate the resources to toxicity and soft inting in low elo other than not being able to ping Karthus ult.

I am not good at the game, hence being in Emerald this season. But I would prefer if my losses being decided by my skill, and not TimmyTampon26 first timing Lee Sin full clear jungle.

  • nyymi123666B
    10 months ago

    There is a way: Ban smurfing.

    Emerald is literally full of <100lvl accounts. Sometimes there is 4 32lvl accounts in a match.

    There are so many smurfs going towards diamond the system restricts people’s LP gains because diamond+ elo is chosen to contain only certain percentage of players. That’s what I think.