Did ADC really need their core items buffed next season?
Both kraken and storm razor are buffed next season, with kraken giving 5 more ad and stormrazor giving a whopping 60 ad for 3100g.
Meanwhile Fighters have completely lost their core item of goredrinker/sunderer, shojin has lost 350 hp and gives around 20 less haste than before, black cleaver lost 15 ability haste and 6% armor pen, trinity force lost ~10 ad from passive and -10 ability haste, and lucidity boots have been nerfed to 15 ability haste.
Meanwhile ADCs now have access to even MORE scaling now that they can get both navori and ie, lucian becomes urf mode dps nightmare whereas everyone has lost significant ability haste.
Top lane fighter mains, prepare to lock in vayne and lucian top next season until riot remembers that fighters exist (again).
+5 AD on Kraken? Damn, that’s game breaking
I don’t disagree with ADCs becoming very strong once again due to low elos complaining about the role being “weak” but fighters and bruisers were literally S+ giga dominating class for the whole season.
You got your fighter meta, now something else is going to be stronger.