For anyone who still thinks we “don’t run plays”.

My favorite parts:

  1. Our starting 5’s half court offensive rating is historically high- 4th best in the last decade. It will come down to Earth but that bodes very well for the playoffs.

  2. (Slightly Paraphrased) “The offense isn’t good because they shoot a lot of threes and layups; They shoot a lot of threes and layups because the offense is good”. The offense generates open shots, we aren’t forcing them.

  3. Pin downs/curl actions are absolutely killer with Porzingis’ versatility, and have been one of JB’s best plays for years- they were a big part of Udoka’s offense too IIRC. This video doesn’t even touch on JB rejecting the screen and cutting, which has gotten him a ton of easy buckets already.

  4. The offense is very balanced. Everyone is getting points and assists, sharing the ball.

Our offense will always have iso because our best players are very good at it. You maximize your stars’ strengths, and the Jays’ strength is being matchup nightmares for a lot of defenders. But it is not coming at the cost of running efficient, unselfish offense, as many seem to believe.