he is always in my ranked games. absolutely dominating my team. one game I got called cringe for playing widow and there playing bastion hanzo. definitely I am the cringe player here. like honestly how do the developers not see he is broken and it gets even worse with a mercy pocket like what is this character honestly 😞😞

  • ultimatedelmanB
    11 months ago

    When I complained about this a few weeks ago I got downvoted to oblivion. There are so many things wrong with this character it’s insane.

    1. 200hp + 100 armor = 330hp DPS (in recon mode), but only requires 299 healing from 1hp.
    2. In turret mode, “ironclad” passive kicks in which adds another 20% damage reduction before armor is calculated, meaning a 200hp + 100 armor character is effectively 200hp + 40hp + 100 armor (100hp + 30hp + 26hp (from ironclad) = 396hp, but it only takes 299 healing from 1hp to full heal. Also this is effective hp, his actual on screen hp is still 300, so if you’re a hanzo shooting a turret mode full health bastion, your 125dmg arrow only does 125*.8 = 100 [ironclad reduction] - (100 * .3 = 30) [armor reduction] = 70. A full strength hanzo arrow does 70 damage to a full health turret bastion. That leaves him still with 30 armor for the next shot and 200hp. He only requires 70 healing to survive a 125 damage shot.
    3. While in recon mode, he has a pretty big head hitbox, but while in turret mode, he has a tiny one you can only hit from behind. If he’s shooting directly at you, you cannot hit his headshot box. This means you need to do 396 damage to him before he can do 200 damage to you. This is not counting the fact that he is usually damage boosted shielded/bubbled, and/or in lamp/yellow naded.
    4. While in turret mode, he does THREE HUNDRED SIXTY DAMAGE PER SECOND for SIX SECONDS. This is hitscan damage. This means he can do 2160 damage in six seconds. If you are 200hp, he can kill you in around .5 seconds. His movement is reduced 35%, but he is still mobile. Also, in this mode he has zero recoil.
    5. Because this isn’t enough damage, blizz also decided to give him a junkrat bomb that, after it gets done bouncing around the entire map and sticks to you and explodes, does 115 damage, more than half your health if you are 200hp. This junkrat bomb also has cc that can boop you out of position behind cover (since he can bounce it off walls) or even boop you off the map. The junkrat bomb can also provide vertical mobility for bastion so he can reach high ground by himself in many cases. This junkrat bomb can be fired in both recon and turret mode. Oh, also the junkrat bomb does splash/AOE damage, so firing it into a crowd/grav’d group can do massive damage.
    6. In recon mode, he does hitscan damage, 25dmg per shot, 5 shots per second = 125dps. This isn’t bad, except for the fact that he has zero recoil and no spread.
    7. His ult is arguably hard to get good value out of, but if he can find a squishy with no movement abilities or their movement on cooldown, that character is effectively dead. I don’t really have that much of a problem with this because it’s an ult, but it is frustrating being a support with no movement ability hearing the raid siren go off and know that you are dead and there’s nothing you can do about it. He can do this from anywhere on the map, no LOS required, overhead natural cover doesn’t exist (he can get you in a room). Also he can’t be hacked out of his ult, only killed or stunned.

    tl;dr - he is almost as tanky as a tank but requires very little healing to keep up relative to the damage he can take, he can do massive damage with no forward-facing headshot vulnerability, he indescribably has a junkrade bomb that does more than half the life of a squishy on direct, and none of his abilities have recoil.

    ALL OF THIS while he is likely getting double pocketed and shielded/bubbled. It is INSANE that this character exists in the game, but it’s no surprise that he is in EVERY game, and every game comes down to who has the better bastion and/or which tank is going to suck it up and swap to the one of maybe three tanks that can deal with him (DVA, sig, orisa). It’s also no surprise that he is ruining the game.

    Some potential ways to fix him (not all at once):

    1. Give him recoil in either/both modes and give him a little spread in recon
    2. If you’re going to keep turret mode at 6 seconds, give him limited ammo and force a reload. Or, give him 6 seconds to use a fixed amount of ammo that when used up he automatically switches back to recon. This reduction in power can be balanced by reducing the cooldown a bit.
    3. Reduce turret mode to 3-4 seconds and also reduce cooldown from 12 to maybe 8
    4. Fucking get rid of junkrat bomb and replace it with something else, likely a non-damage ability. Or, significantly reduce its damage to make it solely a cc ability, or remove its cc entirely, except maybe if used on himself.
    5. Get rid of ironclad. It’s unnecessary.
    6. If nothing else changes, give him a crit point that can be hit from the front while in turret mode. It can still be small, maybe even smaller than the back, but it should still exist.