Generally speaking, juggernaut are very good at dueling, they are also very good at 1 vs 2 or even 1 vs 3 sometimes due to their very high damage and innate survivability. There only down side is lesser mobility. Most ADC (Marksman) are very bad at dueling till they get their items, and even then they are still quite squishy and can be burst down rather easy. But, there are some rare exception, some ADC are designed for dueling so they are very good in 1 vs 1. The most notable example of that are Vayne and Kai’sa. Now due to the % max HP true damage and invisibility and hard CC, a late game Vayne can solo kill most champion in the game. But how about a Kai’sa?. She is reasonably good against squishy due to how bursty she is. But can she do anything against a juggernaut?. Among all juggernaut such as Darius, Garen, Shyvanna, Morderkaiser, Aatrox, Yorick, Volibear, Urgot…etc, which one can be beaten by kai’sa?. Assuming they are both full build and can build whatever suitable for this 1 vs 1 (so can be anything that they not normally build, can be serylda’s grudge and edge of night on Kai’sa or Infinity edge and Galeforce on Darius). The player are assumed to be at decent level, around Diamond