Bruiser with many gap closers or gap closer on short cooldown such as Jax or Lee sin shouldn’t have too much stat
There are many things that can give Kai’sa visions: wards/minions. And if she ever hit even 1 W, she will constantly have vision of target due to her passive. Even if the both have vision of each other at 1300 unit range, Kai’sa can spacing very well due to her E. She never really have to commit and her W will eventualy hit. I played both with and against AP kai’sa before, it really really annoying to deal with before it is pretty much impossible to catch her unless you play something like a Rengar or Master yi. And in case of Yi, you waste much of your ultimate time running up to her from 3000 range away
If we factor in tactic in these 1 vs 1 then a Full AP Kai’sa can pretty much beat any thing (i mean technically speaking, she never have to commit just launch W from 2 screen away, and I don’t see many champion catching her from 3000 range)
AP kai’sa is quite useful against Fiora, Yi and Jax from my experience. Just W them from 3000 range. They either die or lose like 60-70% of their HP after 2-3 W
Vayne can use exhaust or ignite to break edge of night?
i have the feeling like an AP kai’sa would have higher chance of beating Jax and Fiora than a Vayne, since she will just snipe from 3000 range and never go melee
Yasuo 3 Q, i don’t know why, i keep walking into it. So annoying