This game started out ugly for the Heat - especially on the defensive end. Sure, the Pacers have a great offense but the defensive effort was lackluster to say the least to start the game.

I always talk about how little to no defense is played in today’s NBA after the rule changes - but this was one of the more awful performances in a while for the Heat on that end.

I still don’t care for how much the Heat settle for 3s but at least they didn’t do so as such an excessive rate like they often do - but thankfully they attacked the basket enough to get to the line a significant amount of times. I’ll have to look but this feels like the most they’ve gotten to the line all season. And one of the few times they had more FT attempts than 3 attempts.

And - I know this will be unpopular but it was another (in my opinion) underwhelming game for Highsmith. Again, I appreciate and acknowledge the intangibles from him as much as anyone - but if you are going to start - especially after Bam went down - you need to do more one offense and with an inside game - not just jacking up perimeter shots.

Orlando Robinson was underwhelming but that doesn’t surprise me. Thomas Bryant was very active and should be getting more PT regardless of matchup.

Overall, the bench was great.

Let’s see if the Heat can get another on Saturday without the frustrating start.