Is it me or players that HAD to play Lone Druid had little knowledge or just basic ideea of how to play this hero. I’ve seen Ace playing this hero on the finals… Jesus…made me cry seeing him struggling how to operate that bear and how he gave away free 300 gold twice before min 10. Not getting tp on the bear in order to heal or rush items that makes the difference in a good timing, took him several seconds to transfer items from main hero to the bear.
Rushing Radiance like it was those old meta… Another game that I’ve seen was Gunnar playing it mid, felt like I was seeing a Legend 4 playing that hero…
If someone can write a good game with LD please write it down !
PS. I do like how Ace played in this TI, but this post is about LD on this tournament.
So basically, you don’t understand something, and rather than trying to understand it, you assume you know better and claim that players who are 100 times better than you’ll ever be, don’t know what they’re doing