Tl:Dr: Kyle would fall short with a pro-bowl roster so why is he so great?

Is Kyle all that great? We all see the stats showing he can’t come from behind and loses too many games where he had a lead. He has talent everywhere except ROL and DB - like all pro bowl talent. Yet he can’t make an offense with his chosen QB work while one skilled position player is out??? His recepie for success on offense boils down to 3-4 skill players being Swiss Army Knives. Defensively, he should be well enough aware to stop the play calls like Wilkes called up before the half last week. Personnel wise it’s also an embarrassment of riches on the d line which for whatever reason is taking 3 seconds to get to QB and our DBs can’t cover that long. Rushing 5 reduces time to QB but also reduces coverage so same result. Shanahan has to account for this balance. All we will hear about this week is picking up a CB in a trade. Maybe a Surtain II. I’d be happy to see it, but it just adds another pro bowler to the roster - a model that isn’t sustainable for salary reasons.

  • SnooGuavas650B
    11 months ago

    What is success then? He’s been to 3/4 NFCCG. The last coach to do that who was cast off was Andy Reid. He’s…pretty good