Hey all,

Weekend warrior player here. I’ve played league on and off for 10 years and spent close to $600 on skins last time I checked. I’m not good at the game, and I know it, but I try my best to win whenever I play.

Yesterday I played a game and messed up on a level 2 all in from a Sylas because I wasn’t expecting it. I got flamed relentlessly. I immediately apologized to my team saying how I wasn’t familiar with the matchup, and will try to play safe. That didn’t stop people typing in chat how terrible I am, or that I should uninstall and stop playing.

Not the first time I’ve heard this, and i know it won’t be the last. If you like playing league, you shouldn’t be mean to your teammates/enemy players. Flaming and bashing people when they want to play the game will get them to leave the game, and eventually the game will die. If we want league to continue to be a game we can all play we should try and make it better. The mindset of people saying “it’s an online game of course it’s toxic” needs to stop if we want it to grow. Couldn’t we be the bastion of nice gaming on the internet?

  • NyravelB
    10 months ago

    Generally you should insta mute whenever some tries to flame you