I took look right now in basketball-reference.com.

  • Win Shares per 48 - among 198 qualified (on pace to play 1500 min) Poole is… #198 (-0.07)
  • Box plus/minus - also among same 198 qualified Poole is #197 (-6.9, Malaki Branhman somehow succeeded to be worse at -7.0)
  • Value Over Replacement Player - among all 491 players Poole is … yes #491 (-0.7)
  • Overall Win Shares - among all 491 players Pools is last #491 once again (-0.8)
  • eFG% : Poole with .453 is last #139 among all 139 qualified ( on pace for 300 FG )
  • TS% : Poole with .504 - 181 among 194 qualified ( on pace for 500 TSA )
  • And only according to PER which favors any scorers even very inefficient among 198 qualified Poole is… #178 which is huge success comparing to other metrics

It’s kind of crazy but when we say “Poole is worst player in the league” it’s not emotional exclamation, but literally stating fact supported by multiple metrics…

I don’t know whether he had to be moved to bench to more suitable 6th man role, benched completely for some period, or something else, but it’s not a matter which can be just not addressed… because absolutely no culture which will enable winning in future could be built with this “star” not accountable for his horrific play… and by the way his trade value is only going down to the bottom right now so playing him a lot will not improve it in any way

  • waskittenmanB
    10 months ago

    benching him and not playing him would be really stupid.

    Russ was really bad here first half of his season here (didn’t care for his whole season & that’s the only season I stopped watching games cause I really didn’t like watching him). Poole is one hot January away from having some value, I think. And to get there you gotta hope he comes on.